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Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees June 24th Minutes

Call to Order (6:04 PM)
● Attendance - Present: Stephanie Brezovic, Roger McCollum, Rene McCollum, Patti Bruers and Janet Clark- Library Director. Absent: Rob Brianne (will be resigning).
● Determination of Quorum: Yes

Community Concerns - NONE

Guests - NONE

New Business - Non-working air conditioner
● On June 20th the air conditioner froze up. Janet Clark had a repairman take a look at it and it was found that the air conditioner was leaking refrigerant. The type of refrigerant that is necessary is scarce and expensive, $300 per pound, and this model requires three pounds ($900). Refrigerant is required to determine where the leak is, so there could be additional repair costs after the $900 is spent.
● Due to the age of the air conditioner, Janet contacted three companies and received quotes for a new air conditioner. H.E.R.O. Heating, Inc. submitted $6544 Reliable Heating and Cooling submitted $5508 DeKalb Mechanical submitted $5750 for the air conditioner as well as a quote for an air conditioner and a new furnace of $8650. They also included an option to upgrade the furnace to a two-stage variable speed model for an additional $750.
● After discussion, it was decided that the best option was going with DeKalb Mechanical for the combined new air conditioner and furnace. The furnace is 12-15 years old and a newer model would be more energy efficient. It was also decided to add the 2-stage upgrade on the furnace for the additional cost of $750.
● Roger McCollum moves to approve the purchase of a new air conditioner and furnace, with the upgrade, from DeKalb Mechanical as well as receiving a quote for an additional labor warranty that extends the one year labor warranty included. Patti Bruers seconds. All Trustees vote aye. Motion passes.

Adjournment - (6:19 PM) Roger McCollum moves to adjourn. Patti Bruers seconds. All Trustees vote aye. Motion passes.

Next Meeting - July 9, 2024
Respectfully submitted by Rene McCollum, Board Secretary