Meeting of the Board of Trustees Mar 13th, 2024 Minutes
Call to Order (7:04 PM)
● Attendance - Present: Rob Brianne, Stephanie Brezovic, Roger McCollum, Rene McCollum, Patti Bruers and Janet Clark- Library Director.
● Determination of Quorum: Yes
Community Concerns - NONE
Guests - NONE
Approval of Minutes
● Stephanie Brezovic moves to approve the meeting minutes from February 13, 2024. Roger McCollum seconds. All Trustees vote aye. Motion passes,
Approval of Financial Report
● Patti Bruers moves to approve the February 2024 Financial Report. Rene McCollum seconds. All Trustees vote aye. Motion passes.
Director’s Report - Director’s Report was reviewed.
● The Endowment Fund balance is $19,772.04.
Old Business -
● Strategic Planning: Tabled for now. We will begin working on this during the next fiscal year.
● Donor Wall: Tabled for now. Banner Up Signs emailed Janet Clark with a potential wall setup, which we discussed. Roger and Rene McCollum will meet with Jon at Banner Up Signs to get more information and to find out if any other library in the area has one so it can be seen as installed. The Dekalb library might have one.
New Business -
● Jason McNeal Resignation: Roger McCollum moves to accept Jason’s resignation letter. Patti Bruers seconds. All Trustees vote aye. Motion passes.
● Programming Assistant Position: Izzy graduates in May but wants to continue working through the summer, at which time we will need to replace her. Janet Clark has been in contact with someone who turned in an application and is interested in a position that includes circulation work as well as programming events. Janet will hold onto this application until a replacement for Izzy should be hired.
● Emergency Plan: Janet Clark completed a draft of an emergency plan. We discussed this plan and mentioned a few areas that need to be revised. Roger McCollum suggested that the library purchase or borrow an ALA book that outlines disaster plans for libraries. The library has four fire extinguishers but no AED. There possibly might be a grant that can be applied for regarding the AED. There is a first aid kit under the front counter, but the contents do need to be checked for any needed items. Roger McCollum will check into getting a copy of a floor plan that can be mounted on a wall.
● Facilities Plan: Janet Clark has added a “Drafting a Basic Facility Plan” section in the library portal that can be reviewed. At the April meeting she will provide a list of items that have been replaced or repaired, as well as a list of items that could possibly need repair or replacement in the near future. A new book drop is definitely needed as the current one is old and leaks. Patti Bruers has some ideas for replacing the book drop and will follow up with some possible companies for obtaining a replacement.
Adjournment - (8:26 PM)
Patti Bruers moves to adjourn. Roger McCollum seconds. All Trustees vote aye. Motion passes.
Next Meeting - April 9, 2024
Respectfully submitted by Rene McCollum, Board Secretary